Thursday, December 10, 2009

Economy and Unemployment

I agree with you completely on the nation's economy and the unemployment. It has become so out-of-hand I am not sure what is going to fix it.
You make very good points throughout the entire piece. I, personally, am feeling the effects of the poor economy and job issues. Having had pay cuts, benefits taken away, other benefits decreased, and the uncertainty of how long the job is going exist is pretty unnerving.
I believe that the government needs to provide some incentives for the companies in the US to bring jobs back to get our economy going again.
There is also the uncertainty of whether going to college to get a degree at this point is going to turn out to be a waste of time. I really know it will be worth it in the long run (reminds of of microeconomics class) but sometimes it is difficult to see past the present.
Here's hoping Obama does something to kick start the nation!!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Party Crashers

I think it is absolutely hilarious that two people that were not on the guest list for the President's state dinner at the White House were able to get past the security provided by the Secret Service! If that doesn't make one feel safe at home, I'm not sure what does.
Tareq and Michaele Salahi had been auditioning for the TV show, Real Housewives of D.C earlier in the day and were being filmed getting ready for the state dinner. The couple told the producer of the show that they were invited to the dinner and the production company believed them. The couple posted pictures of themselves with President Obama and several other politicians on Facebook. It seems someone in the media found out about the posting which is the only reason the Secret Service even found out about the event.
Secret Service spokesman said their procedure was not followed at one security checkpoint which allowed the uninvited couple to walk right in. The spokesman said the couple Tareq and Michaele Salahi went through all security screenings just like all the other guests did and that President Obabma and others with Secret Service protection had their usual security guards with them at the dinner.
Now if it is that easy to gain entry into the White House for a dinner with the President, it seems to me that the Secret Service and all invited guests would have their guards down since everyone had to go through the "stringent" security measures; making it easy for some sort of violence to occur.
A hearing has been scheduled by The House Homeland Security Committee in regard to the breach of security where the couple will testify on how they got through security. The head of the Secret Service has been asked to appear as well and has formally apologized for the fiasco, stating it is an embarrassment to the agency.
Maybe it would be better if bouncers or party planners were responsible for the security of this nation. It is more difficult to get past them than it is the Secret Service.