Thursday, December 10, 2009

Economy and Unemployment

I agree with you completely on the nation's economy and the unemployment. It has become so out-of-hand I am not sure what is going to fix it.
You make very good points throughout the entire piece. I, personally, am feeling the effects of the poor economy and job issues. Having had pay cuts, benefits taken away, other benefits decreased, and the uncertainty of how long the job is going exist is pretty unnerving.
I believe that the government needs to provide some incentives for the companies in the US to bring jobs back to get our economy going again.
There is also the uncertainty of whether going to college to get a degree at this point is going to turn out to be a waste of time. I really know it will be worth it in the long run (reminds of of microeconomics class) but sometimes it is difficult to see past the present.
Here's hoping Obama does something to kick start the nation!!!

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