Friday, October 16, 2009

Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter is the author of seven bestsellers, a legal correspondent for human Events, writes a syndicated column for Universal Press Syndicate. She has been a guest on TV shows, has been the cover story of Time magazine, was named in the top one hundred Public Intellectuals by a federal judge, is very involved in the defense of individual rights emphasizing freedom of speech, civil rights, and free expression of religion.

I believe she is voicing her opinion and stating certain facts to inform interested people or even push them to become more involved or to learn more about certain subjects. She has me believing she is credible due to all the political work and everything she has accomplished due to speaking up.

Ann wrote a column dated 10/14/09 entitled Natural Born Losers and talks about whether President Obama should send more troops to Afghanistan. She states that in the 2008 presidential campaign, he said that Afghanistan was a war of necessity while the war in Iraq was a war of choice. She states a very good point when she says the most important part of warfare is selecting your battlefield. Selecting Afghanistan as a battlefield wold be a military disaster due to the mountains, caves, and the belief that Afghanistan has no resources worth fighting for.

She says Democrats and Liberals could care less about military strategy and they are not able to focus on national security. The British and Russians learned that Afghanistan is invulnerable to modern warfare and is a brutal battlefield.
Ann Coulter states, "A Democrat is president and, once again, america finds itself in an "unwinnable war." I know Democrats will never learn, but I wish the voters would."

I agree, for the most part, with Ann Coulter but I also believe there should be no separate parties. the people want the same things although some make better decisions than others. We should all be working together for what we want and stop blaming people because they are of a different party.

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