Friday, October 2, 2009

On-Going Issues with Iran

Anne Applebaum writes a column for The Washington Post pertaining to Political Opinions. She writes of the issues in Iran and the fact that the government is hiding another nuclear reactor and how there is another side to Iran, anti-government protesters. This was published Sept. 29, 2009 and titled "A Big Card To Play in Iran". I believe she is speaking to the people who care more about the people living in the war ridden country and the bad things that they have to go through. She is playing to the humanitarian group rather than the war happy crew. Her opinion is to try a human rights campaign showing all the violations of the government to the world instead of the proposed sanctions that probably won't work, the bombing of the nuclear facilities, or war. I agree in one way with her as I do not think the humanitarian side has been played at all with this country. However the mentality of these people, to me, seem to be of a "don't care about anything attitude" where the only thing that will stop them would be to obliterate the entire country. I am positive I am being way to harsh with that comment as I would never want to resort to that measure. It definitely can't hurt to try the more humanitarian approach before heading for more war. The US and it's alllies do not need to lose anymore people to the wars over seas and I'm sure the families of the countries we are at war with feel the same way; or at least I hope they do. I beleive the credibility of Anne applebaum is reliable as she has been a journalist for many years and is a Pulitzer-Prize winning author.

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