Thursday, December 10, 2009

Economy and Unemployment

I agree with you completely on the nation's economy and the unemployment. It has become so out-of-hand I am not sure what is going to fix it.
You make very good points throughout the entire piece. I, personally, am feeling the effects of the poor economy and job issues. Having had pay cuts, benefits taken away, other benefits decreased, and the uncertainty of how long the job is going exist is pretty unnerving.
I believe that the government needs to provide some incentives for the companies in the US to bring jobs back to get our economy going again.
There is also the uncertainty of whether going to college to get a degree at this point is going to turn out to be a waste of time. I really know it will be worth it in the long run (reminds of of microeconomics class) but sometimes it is difficult to see past the present.
Here's hoping Obama does something to kick start the nation!!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Party Crashers

I think it is absolutely hilarious that two people that were not on the guest list for the President's state dinner at the White House were able to get past the security provided by the Secret Service! If that doesn't make one feel safe at home, I'm not sure what does.
Tareq and Michaele Salahi had been auditioning for the TV show, Real Housewives of D.C earlier in the day and were being filmed getting ready for the state dinner. The couple told the producer of the show that they were invited to the dinner and the production company believed them. The couple posted pictures of themselves with President Obama and several other politicians on Facebook. It seems someone in the media found out about the posting which is the only reason the Secret Service even found out about the event.
Secret Service spokesman said their procedure was not followed at one security checkpoint which allowed the uninvited couple to walk right in. The spokesman said the couple Tareq and Michaele Salahi went through all security screenings just like all the other guests did and that President Obabma and others with Secret Service protection had their usual security guards with them at the dinner.
Now if it is that easy to gain entry into the White House for a dinner with the President, it seems to me that the Secret Service and all invited guests would have their guards down since everyone had to go through the "stringent" security measures; making it easy for some sort of violence to occur.
A hearing has been scheduled by The House Homeland Security Committee in regard to the breach of security where the couple will testify on how they got through security. The head of the Secret Service has been asked to appear as well and has formally apologized for the fiasco, stating it is an embarrassment to the agency.
Maybe it would be better if bouncers or party planners were responsible for the security of this nation. It is more difficult to get past them than it is the Secret Service.

Friday, November 13, 2009

I agree with everything in this blog! There is no reason in this day and age that people of the same sex cannot get married or should not get married.
The laws were created such a long time ago when everything was done so differently, it's about time they were revamped for today's frame of thought.
I think this is very well written and covers the most important points to be considered. I dont' believe the government or laws should have any say at all in who can or can't marry whom.
I totally agree : Pass the darn law already!!!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Hate Is Such An Ugly Thing

President Obama signed a law making it a federal crime to assault an individula because of sexual orientation or gender identity. There were 12,000 crimes reported over the past ten years that were based on sexual orientation. It is sad that it has to come to this as a form of protection of human rights.
If this is what it takes to get this kind of barbaric action under control then so be it. I will never understand why some of the human race feels the need to treat people, who are not exactly like themselves, like the scum of the earth or beat them to death.
I beleive we are all equal, no matter the color of our skin, gender, beliefs, and amount of money or lack of money; bottom line. There isn't one of us who has the right to treat anyone else badly for any reason.
Human Rights Campaign president called the hate crimes measure the nation's first major piece of civil rights legislation for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and the nation needs to ensure these rights for them.
President Obama said there are laws to change and hearts to open; to which I think he shouldhave modified to say, "hearts and MINDS to open." Closed minds never change the ideas or thoughts they were taught when they were growing up which means any hatred toward different races, genders or types of life will always be the same, only to be carried through and taught to the next generation.
Is brainwashing a posiblility for all the peopel aon the planet? Maybe we could brainwash everyone with the saying "Erase the Hate" and the song One Tribe by the Black Eyed Peas that says "one tribe, one time, one planet, one race; it's all one blood, don't care about your face; the color of your eye or the tone of yuor skin; don't care where you are, don't care where you been.
We are one, weare just people and we are ALL equal.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter is the author of seven bestsellers, a legal correspondent for human Events, writes a syndicated column for Universal Press Syndicate. She has been a guest on TV shows, has been the cover story of Time magazine, was named in the top one hundred Public Intellectuals by a federal judge, is very involved in the defense of individual rights emphasizing freedom of speech, civil rights, and free expression of religion.

I believe she is voicing her opinion and stating certain facts to inform interested people or even push them to become more involved or to learn more about certain subjects. She has me believing she is credible due to all the political work and everything she has accomplished due to speaking up.

Ann wrote a column dated 10/14/09 entitled Natural Born Losers and talks about whether President Obama should send more troops to Afghanistan. She states that in the 2008 presidential campaign, he said that Afghanistan was a war of necessity while the war in Iraq was a war of choice. She states a very good point when she says the most important part of warfare is selecting your battlefield. Selecting Afghanistan as a battlefield wold be a military disaster due to the mountains, caves, and the belief that Afghanistan has no resources worth fighting for.

She says Democrats and Liberals could care less about military strategy and they are not able to focus on national security. The British and Russians learned that Afghanistan is invulnerable to modern warfare and is a brutal battlefield.
Ann Coulter states, "A Democrat is president and, once again, america finds itself in an "unwinnable war." I know Democrats will never learn, but I wish the voters would."

I agree, for the most part, with Ann Coulter but I also believe there should be no separate parties. the people want the same things although some make better decisions than others. We should all be working together for what we want and stop blaming people because they are of a different party.

Friday, October 2, 2009

On-Going Issues with Iran

Anne Applebaum writes a column for The Washington Post pertaining to Political Opinions. She writes of the issues in Iran and the fact that the government is hiding another nuclear reactor and how there is another side to Iran, anti-government protesters. This was published Sept. 29, 2009 and titled "A Big Card To Play in Iran". I believe she is speaking to the people who care more about the people living in the war ridden country and the bad things that they have to go through. She is playing to the humanitarian group rather than the war happy crew. Her opinion is to try a human rights campaign showing all the violations of the government to the world instead of the proposed sanctions that probably won't work, the bombing of the nuclear facilities, or war. I agree in one way with her as I do not think the humanitarian side has been played at all with this country. However the mentality of these people, to me, seem to be of a "don't care about anything attitude" where the only thing that will stop them would be to obliterate the entire country. I am positive I am being way to harsh with that comment as I would never want to resort to that measure. It definitely can't hurt to try the more humanitarian approach before heading for more war. The US and it's alllies do not need to lose anymore people to the wars over seas and I'm sure the families of the countries we are at war with feel the same way; or at least I hope they do. I beleive the credibility of Anne applebaum is reliable as she has been a journalist for many years and is a Pulitzer-Prize winning author.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Racism in Goverrnment

A recent article in the New York Times mentioned some disturbing comments that were made by certain politicians in regard to racism.
Among the comments was one from a former president, stating "he and other people around the country believe African-Americans are not qualified to lead this great country." Another comment during President Obama's healthcare address resulted in a vote where the politician committed a breach off decorum which degraded the proceedings of the joint session.
I think this article is worth reading because there should be no place in politics or government for racism. Government is "For the People" and we are all people no matter what race we are a part of; every single person has the same rights as the other and skin color should mean NOTHING.